More Stupid Java Tricks

Posted in Java by Dan on August 26th, 2008

My previous post was reasonably popular so I decided to follow-up with some more stupid Java tricks. It should go without saying that you shouldn’t use these techniques in any serious code, unless of course your objective is to write unmaintainable code.

It was pointed out to me by a couple of people that the puzzle I posed previously is also in Josh Bloch and Neal Gafter’s excellent Java Puzzlers book. If you are interested in all of the ugly corners of the Java platform, this book is well worth buying.

Unchecked Checked Exceptions

Throw checked exceptions without the hassle of dealing with them

There’s a lot of debate about the relative merits of checked and unchecked exceptions in Java. You can have the best of both worlds by throwing checked exceptions without either catching them or declaring them in a throws clause. The deprecated Thread.stop(Throwable) method is one way:

private void throwSomething() // Look, no throws clause!
    Thread.currentThread().stop(new IOException("This won't be caught."));

The slightly more socially-acceptable Class.newInstance() method is another way. It’s not deprecated but it does have one well-documented flaw:

Note that this method propagates any exception thrown by the nullary constructor, including a checked exception. Use of this method effectively bypasses the compile-time exception checking that would otherwise be performed by the compiler.

Invasion of Privacy

Strings aren’t really immutable, even literals can’t be trusted

This is a bit of a golden oldie but it still has great potential for messing with your co-workers’ sanity.

All high-level programming languages have rules. These rules are there to protect you, to stop you from really messing things up. Fortunately, Java allows you bypass some of these rules, via the dark art of reflection, and have some fun by changing things that you really shouldn’t be allowed to change.  Your confused colleagues might never trust a machine again. It’s all about the String constants cached by the JVM.

All it takes is a few lines (suitably hidden in some seemingly unrelated class)

java.lang.reflect.Field valueField = String.class.getDeclaredField("value");
valueField.set("Hello World!", "Goodbye     ".toCharArray());

then this

System.out.println("Hello World!");

prints this


Escape to Victory

A language feature that appears to exist primarily to break syntax-highlighers

Of course, if your co-workers are made of sterner stuff you may need to be a little more devious to send them insane. They won’t be able to track down the offending code above by searching for “Hello World!”, “Goodbye” or even “setAccessible” if these Strings don’t appear anywhere in the source.

Unicode escape sequences (such as 'u0020') can be used not only to construct character and String literals but can actually be used anywhere in the source that their equivalent characters can be used. So entire statements, even entire classes can be written solely with these escape sequences.

Questionable Parentage

Instantiating inner class objects outside of the parent class

Inner classes (that is non-static nested classes) have an implicit reference to an instance of their containing class, but they don’t necessarily have to be instantiated within the scope of the parent class. Daniel Pitts shows another way. File this one under “ugly syntax” and “surely that’s not supposed to work?”.

Boxing Clever

From stupid Java tricks to stupid Java pitfalls

This one is not a trick as such but it is a good example of Java code that behaves completely unintuitively. The introduction of auto-boxing and auto-unboxing in Java 5 has created a whole new set of opportunities for bugs.

This is my personal favourite:

Integer n = 128;
Integer m = 128;
assert n <= m; // This works.
assert n >= m; // This works.
assert n == m; // This fails.

It gets better. Try changing n and m to both be 127 and it works, which, to be fair, is exactly how it’s supposed to work according to the JLS:

If the value p being boxed is true, false, a byte, a char in the range u0000 to u007f, or an int or short number between -128 and 127, then let r1 and r2 be the results of any two boxing conversions of p. It is always the case that r1 == r2.

But it’s not exactly what you would expect if you hadn’t read the spec.

Any more?

That’s all the Java stupidity I can think of right now. Feel free to add your own stupid Java tricks in the comments.

A Java Syntax Quirk

Posted in Java by Dan on August 24th, 2008

This little trick is shamelessly stolen from Daniele Futtorovic’s post on

This is legal, compilable Java:

public class Oddity
    public static void main(String[] args)
        System.out.println("Why is the URL allowed above?");

Why doesn’t the URL being in there upset the compiler?  If you’re not sure why it’s valid, click “show” for a spoiler.


Uncommons Maths 1.1: Java Random Number Generators and Mathematical Utility Classes

Posted in Java by Dan on August 22nd, 2008

Uncommons Maths is a set of Java classes for working with random numbers, combinatorics and basic statistics.  The random number package is its most compelling feature, providing three advanced random number generators and support for several probability distributions (see A Java Programmer’s Guide to Random Numbers for more info, or have a play with the demo application).

It’s been a while since the initial release.  During this time I’ve made several minor tweaks and enhancements that I probably ought to share, so I’ve just uploaded a version 1.1 to

If you are an existing user, please consult the changelog.  There is one change since version 1.0.2 that may cause backwards compatibility issues.  The combinatorics and number classes have been moved to their own packages to avoid cluttering the org.uncommons.maths base package.  So you made need to update your import statements accordingly (see the API documentation).

Revisiting the Comments Debate: The Self-Documenting Code Contest

Posted in Haskell, Software Development by Dan on August 5th, 2008

The great commenting debate generated a lot of disagreement, both here and elsewhere, about the value of code comments with respect to writing self-explanatory code.  If you are of the opinion that good code does not need comments, here is your chance to prove it.  Laurie Cheers has created The Self-Documenting Code Contest.  The idea is to solve a given problem using the most understandabe code that you can write.  No comments are allowed.  The problem is to generate all two-word anagrams of the word “documenting”.

Although I’ve clearly stated my opinion in favour of comments, I decided to give it a shot.  I’ve already submitted my Haskell solution and, to be honest, you’d do well to improve on its readability.  I believe that it satisfies all of the requirements using a brilliantly simple algorithm.

I’ve hidden my code in case you want to try for yourself first.  Click “show” to reveal my solution: show

UPDATE: I got disqualified from the contest for “being a smartass” 🙁

WordPress Headaches: Caching and FeedBurner

Posted in PHP, The Internet by Dan on August 1st, 2008

Still suffering a few teething problems following my attempts to Digg-proof this blog.  It seems that WP Super Cache, in its default configuration at least, is incompatible with FeedBurner and its WordPress plug-in.  So if you’ve been having trouble accessing my feed, this is why (for some reason it has been serving up the front page HTML instead of the feed RSS).

I tried a few things to fix the problem.  Each time it seemed to be working for a while but it soon went wrong again.  Rather than waste time figuring out what exactly is going wrong, I’ve switched back to WP Cache.

I have to agree with Jeff Atwood that caching really ought to be core functionality for a blog publishing platform like WordPress.  Then we wouldn’t have to mess around configuring different plug-ins and trying to get them to play nicely together.

In terms of functionality, WordPress still appears to be the best option for self-hosted blogging but it’s not without its annoyances.  If I were to switch from WordPress to something else, these are some of the features I would like to see:

  • Built-in page caching.
  • Support for multiple blogs with a single installation of the software (with WordPress, you have to use a different branch of the software to achieve this).
  • Support for databases other than MySQL (PostgreSQL as a minimum, but really any mainstream SQL database should be usable).
  • A better approach to themes (I shouldn’t have to write PHP to develop themes.  With appropriately structured pages, I could probably achieve everything that I want using just CSS).
  • Integrated support for popular advertising services such as Adsense (I shouldn’t have to cut-and-paste JavaScript into PHP files).
  • Ability to import posts and comments from WordPress.

Does such a platform exist, or will I have to write it myself?